Friday, February 6, 2009

canoodling and cuddling

Pictured Above: Toby getting all hot n heavy with Gramps on the couch

Thursday, February 5, 2009

LA Love Lites////\\\\American Face takes on Los Angeles

Pictured Above: Robyne and Jessie soaking up the rays like true beach babies

Pictured Above: The gang hanging around different parts of town including: Beverly Hills, Venice Beach, and Echo Park.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

robot love pile

Pictured Above: GoccoLove meets RobotLove.

Limited edition screenprinted pillows of Minneapolis Citizens

American Face is now available at RobotLove on 27th and Lyndale!
Walk in the door and turn to the left, they're waiting!

Small Faces are $30.00
Large Gramps Faces are $60.00

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Pictured Above: Magic (Moron) in the flesh.

Rob Cook
Tonya Torgerson
Emma Berg (times two)
Vanessa Melon
Kristoffer Knutson
Austin Holm
Kari Reardon
Ashley Kellam
Annmarie Delathouder
Jess Trout

You were great! You all did a great job!
Thanks for paricipating in American Face.

If you missed the American Face Closing Sale and would still like your pillow, email us at:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Special Delivery to FOX 9 News

American Face is in the mail!


American Face Closing Sale
Friday, February 29th - 7 to 10 p.m.
Caffetto Coffee Shop
708 W. 22nd St.
Minneapolis, MN 55405

American Face Art Show is closing with a chance for participants to reclaim their pillows. All remaining pillows will be on sale for $20.00 each! Only 70 pillows remain! Arrive early to choose your favorite from the American Face Gang!

Additional inquiries may be directed to
Collaboration Thursday / Project Life 2008

We look forward to seeing you there! If you participated in the show, don't forget to bring back your yellow card with the name and edition number on it to reclaim your pillow.

Monday, February 18, 2008


These photographs come straight from the American Face Polaroid Archive. Pictured Above: Scarlett Johansson makes a guest appearance at Studio 22 to mingle with the gang in the early days. Pictured Below: Jessie encounters herself in pillow form.